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Amy Luft, Department Chairman

ALA MIS National Membership Database   (for subscribers only)

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Click here for the Membership Facebook group

CONGRATULATIONS to the 19 units that will receive 1 entry in the Pulsation Pass award for being at/above 100% from January 1st to January 31st.


PULSATION PASS AWARD - 1 winner picked at random on February 14, 2025, will receive: 2 paid registrations, 1 paid room for a 2-night stay in the convention hotel, recognition on stage during convention and 2 passes to the Commander’s party on Saturday night for the 2025 Department Convention.

​​​​Important Award dates: 

2024-2025 Membership Awards info sheet.  


Note: To be eligible for awards

  • Membership dues must be received by Department HQ PRIOR to the goal date. 

  • Units must have the 2024-2025 Unit Officer form submitted to Department with Officers' dues paid

2024-2025 Membership Team:

Teresa Steinke -

Diane Zwiers -

12 District Presidents

Andrea Stoltz -

2024-2025 District Chairmen:


District 1 - Carol Brady 

District 2 - Danie Wilson

District 3 - Shelley Drager

District 4 - Bonnie Jakubczyk

District 5 - Joyce Wingers

District 6 - Patti Westpfahl 

​District 7 - Diana Dalton

District 8 - Frances Bender

District 9 - Vacant

District 10 - Teresa Steinke

District 11 - Barb Bell

District 12 - Nancy Priebe

Check back if a link is not active



Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary shall be limited to:


1.  The grandmothers, mothers, sisters, spouses, direct and adopted female descendants of

      members of

     a.  The American Legion

     b.  Those who served in the Armed Forces of the United States during any of the                   

           allowable eligibility periods determined by congress, and who died in the line of

           duty during such service or after receiving an Honorable Discharge.

2.  Women who are eligible for membership in The American Legion in their own right.


3.  The spouses of an eligible veteran.


Direct descendants refers to: daughters and granddaughters. 

Effective October 17, 2019, great-grand-daughters and other direct descendants are no longer eligible to join the ALA.   


Under the laws in the state of Wisconsin step-relatives are eligible to become members through a qualifying veteran.

Mother and daugther hugging.jpg

If a request for American Legion Auxiliary membership is based on a family member joining under a living veteran, the veteran must be a current member of The American Legion.  They do not have to belong to the corresponding Post BUT they must be a current member of The American Legion somewhere.


If a request for Auxiliary membership is based on a deceased veteran who was not a member of The American Legion, the prospective member will be required to provide verifying documentation that proves eligibility. 

(A deceased veteran does not ever have had to belong to The American Legion.)


A woman veteran may join the American Legion Auxiliary without being a member of The American Legion if her dates of service fall within at least one of the eligible service categories.  If, however, her family members wish to join the Auxiliary through her service, she must first become a member of The American Legion.  The Legion will verify the woman veteran's eligibility. 


If you have verified direct personal connection with service in one of the categories listed, you are eligible for membership in American Legion Auxiliary!


Category I

April 6, 1917 - November 11, 1918

Category II

December 7, 1941 - Present

To take advantage of your eligibility, contact your Department State Headquarters for additional information. Also, take a look at some of the member benefits you will receive by joining American Legion Auxiliary.

Veterans Benefits Resource Center

Ph: 608-266-1311

MEMBERSHIP - Additional Info

Two Classes of Membership:

  1. Senior membership shall be composed of members who are 18 years and older. If a member is under the age of 18 years but married, the member shall be classed as a senior member.

  2. Junior membership shall consist of females under the age of 18 years. Upon reaching the age of 18 years, junior members shall automatically be admitted into senior membership with full privileges. The voting age of 18 years for members of the ALA was adopted at the National Convention in Boston in October 1930.


Every applicant for membership in the Auxiliary must complete an individual membership application as proof of eligibility. Membership applications may be completed in paper form or online. When a member joins online, the member is automatically placed into Department Headquarters Unit 2930.


NOTE: On questions regarding membership, consult the Unit Guide Book, which can be ordered from the Emblem Sales catalog, 1-888-453-4466 or (item #355.200, $9.99 each)


Post Adjutant/Officer Membership Verification:

The application must be signed by the Post Adjutant or other Post officer to verify the veteran's membership in The American Legion or service dates if the veteran is deceased. If the unit has no Post, submit the application to department headquarters for signature by the Department Adjutant. The only exception to this is if the new member is a female veteran joining the Auxiliary under her own eligibility, then the Unit Secretary may sign and date the application.


Eligibility through Deceased Veterans:

When a person applies for Auxiliary membership through the relationship of a deceased veteran, it is considered that satisfactory proof of the veteran's service was established when the Post Adjutant or other duly authorized officer examined and certified the records and documentary evidences of the deceased veteran and based upon this certification declared the applicant eligible for membership in the American Legion Auxiliary. The deceased veteran's name must be shown on the application blank in the space provided. Copies of the service record or honorable discharge should not be sent to department headquarters.


Family members may request service records of deceased veterans from the Adjutant General, State Capitol of the state in which the veteran enlisted. If the veteran enlisted in Wisconsin, you may contact: The Adjutant General, State Capitol, Madison, WI 53701. Family members may also contact The American Legion Service Office at the Zablocki VA Medical Center or their local County Veterans Service Office for service information.


Application Forms:

Complete the application in its entirety, indicating if eligibility is through a deceased veteran family member, Legion membership, or a female veteran's own military service. All application forms and transmittal forms should be printed legibly in ink or typewritten and application must be signed in ink. Members joining under the new eligibility periods may write "Legion Act" in the war era section if the time period during which the veteran served is not listed.


Applicants are required to sign their own application blanks, except in the case of a junior member too young to sign her own name or a person physically unable to write. In either case, the person who signed for the applicant must place their signature below that of the applicant, so department knows who is responsible. There is no age limit for Auxiliary membership, but members under the age of 18 are classed as junior members, unless married. Junior members must provide their birth date.


All applications for senior and junior members must:


  1. be dated.

  2. be signed by the applicant, or parent/guardian if a minor child.

  3. include the applicant's complete mailing address and zip code.

  4. include the complete name of the veteran, and if living, also include the post number and location of where they are a member.

  5. be signed by the Legion Post Adjutant or another officer of the Legion Post after verifying eligibility.


If application forms are returned, they should be corrected and returned to department headquarters as soon as possible. If applications are returned because of ineligibility, the individual may try to establish eligibility through another relative or the unit should inform department headquarters that the individual is not eligible for membership.


Lapsed or Previously Dropped Members:

When a member does not pay dues for one or more years, the member must either pay back-dues or prove present eligibility. If the member is lapsed for a year or two, the unit should verify eligibility still stands and submit the member's dues on a Members' Dues Payment form like any other renewing member. If the member has been dropped or has a lapse in membership of greater than two years, the unit should verify the individual is still eligible, complete a Member Change Form checking the "rejoin" box, and submit it to department headquarters with dues and the Members' Dues Payment Form on which the member is listed.


Transfer Procedure:

A member transferring to a new unit must pay the current year's dues to either the member's current unit or to the unit into which the member wishes to transfer. A transferred member shall be credited to the unit that secured the dues until December 31st of the current year. Transferred members shall not be counted towards membership awards in the new unit until they have paid their membership dues to the new unit.


An officer of the new unit should complete the transfer information on a Member Change Form and send it to Department Headquarters. If the member's current year's dues have not been paid, the new unit should collect the dues and submit them with the Member Change Form.


Membership Dues:

Units must forward $34.00 for each senior member and $5.25 for each junior member to department with a Members' Dues Payment Form for the current membership year.


Members' Dues Payment Forms:

Membership is paid for the calendar year (January through December). Members' Dues Payment forms should be completed by the Unit Membership Chair and sent to department headquarters on a weekly basis with a check payable to ALA-Wisconsin. All information should be printed legibly. The check should equal total dues for all junior and senior members listed on the payment form. Payment forms may be completed online on the department website or ordered from department headquarters using a Membership Supply Order form.


Completed applications and dues for new members must be accompanied with a Members' Dues Payment form. A member cannot be processed if the application is missing or incomplete. Units waiting for the Adjutant or Post Officer to sign an application, should send the new member's dues and application with the next transmittal form.


Back Payment of Dues:

Submit a Past Dues Transmittal Form with the member's ID number and name. On the front, indicate what year the member is paying for.


Address Changes

It is important that all members receive the Wisconsin publication and national magazine. Be certain names and addresses are listed correctly on the rosters when they are received from national. Submit a Member Change Form to department headquarters to correct any errors.


Leadership Assistance:

If a unit has difficulty getting current members to attend meetings or finding members to serve as unit officers, they are encouraged to contact the Department Leadership Chair for assistance.


What does membership entitle you to?

  1. A membership card and a copy of the unit's bylaws.

  2. Various discounts for eyewear, hearing aids, etc. with proof of membership. See the member benefits sheet on the department or national websites for details.

  3. Eligibility for emergency assistance through the Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) after three years of continuous membership.

  4. Eligibility to receive interest-free loans to pursue higher education through the Education/M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund.

  5. The Wisconsin, the Department's bimonthly newspaper, which is included with The American Legion's Badger Legionnaire publication.

  6. The national Auxiliary magazinesubscription and other publications.

  7. The chance to proudly wear the ALA emblem or membership pin. Pins may be purchased from Emblem Sales.

  8. The opportunity to attend meetings, conferences, conventions, seminars and classes; to provide valuable volunteer services; and to fulfill your leadership desires with other members of a patriotic service organization dedicated to veterans, the military and their families.

  9. Members who have paid their current year's dues are eligible to represent the unit as a delegate or alternate at department convention if elected at a unit meeting called for that purpose.

  10. There are opportunities for each member of a veteran's family: The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, and American Legion Riders.


Paid-Up-For-Life (PUFL) Membership - paid by member:

Any member in good standing is entitled to apply for PUFL membership. Applications are available from department headquarters. The national constitution and bylaws gives every member the right to be a PUFL member.

Circle the appropriate fee on the fee rate chart located on the back of the PUFL application according to your age and unit dues and place the amount in the blank provided. Unit secretaries must complete a portion of the application to verify membership status and provide other unit information. Make checks payable to the National Treasurer in the appropriate amount and send the check and application to national headquarters. PUFL members are transferable from unit to unit.


Honorary Life Membership (HLM) - paid by Unit:

Units may give honorary life membership to members who have given outstanding service to the American Legion Auxiliary unit. HLMs are not transferable between units, nor do they receive membership renewal notices. The unit is responsible for paying dues annually for HLMs.


Honor Guards (Shields):

Proof of continuity of membership in the American Legion Auxiliary in 5-year increments from 5 to 90 years entitles the member to wear a special Honor Guard or Shield, which can be ordered from the Emblem Sales catalog, 1-888-453-4466 or Honor Guards may be worn by members whose dues have been paid prior to January 31st each year for consecutive years.

American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin

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