Some Scholarship Forms May be Duplicated
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Click on the Scholarship form and it will be displayed in the browser. You can then print or save the form. To save, locate the picture of a diskette in the upper left corner of this screen. To print, locate the picture of a printer in the upper left corner of this screen.​
"Right click" on the Scholarship name and select "Save Target as" from the display menu. Select a location to save the file to and click "save". The file will then be saved to your computer for easier access.
National & Department Scholarship Applications
See applications for deadline dates
Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary Scholarships:
Eligibility requirements as stated in the eligibility section apply to all scholarships. Please be aware that some scholarships have additional eligibility and requirements; please read applications carefully.
Eligibility for Wisconsin Auxiliary scholarships:
1. Students may apply for scholarships regardless of when the veteran served.
a. Applicant must be a child, grandchild, great-grandchild, step-child, step grandchild, step great- grandchild, wife or widow of an honorably discharged American veteran.
b. An applicant who is a member of the Wisconsin American Legion Family does not need to reside in Wisconsin.
2. Applicants must:
a. Need financial assistance to continue their education.
b. Have at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 grade base.
c. Be a resident of Wisconsin, except as noted in 1(b).
3. School selected need not be in Wisconsin but must be an accredited school.
4. Judges reserve the right to determine the type of scholarship awarded. Judge’s decision is final.
NOTE: Applicants can only receive one department scholarship, are awarded on a one-time only basis (lifetime), and are non-renewable. Applicants who previously received a scholarship from the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin are not eligible for another department scholarship, including scholarships for graduate students.
Responsibility of Applicant:
1. Scholarship application must:
a. Be signed by the president or secretary of a sponsoring American Legion Auxiliary unit in your community. Units may sponsor more than one department scholarship applicant.
b. Be postmarked no later than the deadline listed on the application.
c. Include applicant’s name on each page of scholarship material submitted.
2. Applicant should select his/her own school and make all arrangements for entrance.
Data Required: (all information will remain confidential)
1. Completed application with list of student activities, community involvement, offices held, awards received, etc.
2. Essay must be typed and doubled spaced, not to exceed 300 words, per the essay titles listed on application.
3. At least three letters of recommendation from at least two of the following categories:
Note: Recommendations from relatives are not acceptable.
a. School administrators, guidance counselors, faculty members (no more than two)
b. Pastor, businessmen from community (no more than two)
c. Representative citizen (only one)
4. Transcript (high school applicants only) including:
a. Cumulative GPA at end of 7th semester
b. The point base for grade point system used
c. Subjects and grades for 7th semester
d. Provide at least one of the following: college bound percentile, scores from ACT, SAT, or PSAT
5. Transcript (college applicants only) including:
a. All subjects, grades and cumulative GPA through current semester (or most current semester completed)
b. Graduate students include undergraduate transcript
c. Point base for grade point system used (if other than 4.0 base)
6. Copy of Veteran’s DD-214 (discharge papers verifying honorable discharge)
Scholarship award payments will be made directly to the Financial Aid Office of the institution that the recipient will be attending. If the award is $1,000 or more, the American Legion Auxiliary will pay one-half of the awarded amount at the beginning of the first two semesters. If tuition has been paid, the money can be used for other school necessities. If the recipient drops out of school before the end of the term, any remaining money shall be returned to the Auxiliary. The scholarship money will be held at American Legion Auxiliary headquarters in the scholarship winner’s name for a period of one semester in the hope that the student will return to school.
Department President’s Scholarship: Three - $1,000 awards
Department President’s Scholarship offers three scholarships to attend a college or university of the applicant’s choice. These scholarships are paid from donations received. To qualify for this scholarship, either the mother or the applicant must be a member of a Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary unit.
Van Deuren Memorial Scholarship: One - $1,000 award
This scholarship is funded by a bequest from Roselie Van Deuren. To qualify for this scholarship, either the mother or the applicant must be a member of a Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary unit.
H.S. & Angeline Lewis Scholarships: Five $1,000 awards & One $1,000 award (for grad students only) The H. S. & Angeline Lewis Scholarship Fund was established by the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary in July 1980 by convention action. This scholarship program was made available to the Auxiliary through the generosity of one of our deceased members, Angeline Lewis, a member of Unit 214, Darlington. Mrs. Lewis bequeathed her estate to our organization for the establishment of a fund to be utilized annually for a scholarship program for deserving applicants. One award is for graduate students only.
Department Merit & Memorial Scholarships: Eight - $1,000 awards
Qualifications are the same for all of the Merit & Memorial awards.
The following awards are paid from the M. Louise Wilson Fund:
Harriet Hass Scholarship: One $1,000 award
Merit Scholarship: One $1,000 award
The following awards are paid from the HS & Angeline Lewis Fund:
Adalin Macauley Scholarship (Past National President, 1926-27): One $1,000 award
Eleanor Smith Scholarship (Past National President, 1943-44): One $1,000 award
Pearl Behrend Scholarship (Past National President, 1987-88): One $1,000 award
Barbara Kranig Scholarship (Past National President, 1997-98): One $1,000 award
Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan Scholarship (Past National President, 2007-08): One $1,000 award
Diane Duscheck Scholarship (Past National President, 2017-18): One $1,000 award
1996 Convention action provided that in the event the Department of Wisconsin is again honored by the election of another National President, an additional scholarship shall be established in his/her name.
Child Welfare Scholarship: One - $1,000 award (for graduate students only)
This scholarship is funded by donations and awarded to a graduate student in the field of Special Education. If no applicant in the Special Education field applies, then this scholarship is to be awarded to a graduate student in the field of Education. This scholarship could be applied to two consecutive summer sessions.
Past Presidents Parley Scholarships: Maximum of Three - $1,000 awards
These scholarships have been made possible through a legacy from Harriet Hubbard and through donations to the Past Presidents’ Parley scholarship fund.
Harriet Hubbard Registered Nurse Scholarships: no more than two $1,000 awards
Applicant must be in nursing school or have positive acceptance to an accredited hospital or university Registered Nurse program.
Health Career Scholarships: no more than two $1,000 awards
Course of study need not be a 4-year program. Hospital, university or technical school program is acceptable.
Each year the national organization of the American Legion Auxiliary awards the following scholarships: Children of Warrior’s National President’s Scholarship, Spirit of Youth Scholarship, National Non-Traditional Student Scholarship, and the Junior Member Loyalty Scholarship. Please see current national scholarship application for specific eligibility and requirements. Application forms may be obtained by contacting Wisconsin Auxiliary Department Headquarters, P.O. Box 140, Portage, WI 53901 or the department website (
It is the applicant’s responsibility to have the scholarship form signed by a local American Legion Auxiliary unit. Units may only sponsor one applicant for each national scholarship that is offered.
In the event Wisconsin’s selected applicants for national scholarships do not win a national award, they shall receive a department award of $1,000, payable in two installments to the financial aid office of the institution that the recipient will be attending, if they have not received a department scholarship award previously.
American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State Scholarships: $500 awards
American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State (ALABGS) Scholarships in the amount of $500 each are offered to citizens of the most recent ALABGS session who plan to attend a college, university or approved technical school. The ALABGS Committee will determine the number of scholarships awarded. Scholarship applications will only be sent to delegates/citizens who completed the immediate past ALABGS session.
Harry & Shirley Kuehl Foundation Scholarship: One - $500 award
One scholarship in the amount of $500 will be awarded to a delegate/citizen who completed the immediate past ALABGS session. Award to be chosen from the current ALABGS scholarship applicants.
Eileen Knox Memorial Scholarship: One - $500 award
One scholarship in the amount of $500 will be awarded to a delegate/citizen who completed the immediate past ALABGS session. Award to be chosen from the current ALABGS scholarship applicants, with special consideration given to an applicant who is a member of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Qualified applicants must be high school juniors who attend the current ALABGS session and are direct descendants (i.e., child, grandchild, great-grandchild or a legally adopted child) of a U.S. wartime veteran. Applicants who are direct descendants of Korean War veterans will receive special consideration. Applications are made available to participants of the current ALABGS session.
M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund:
A Brief History – On February 4, 1925, the Executive Committee of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin, established the M. Louise Wilson Educational Loan Fund with the sum of $200.00. Since 1925 the maintenance and growth of the fund has been entirely dependent upon the repayment of loans and voluntary contributions from units and friends of the American Legion Auxiliary.
The purpose of the fund is to aid women veterans and female members of the Wisconsin American Legion Auxiliary to attain a higher education.
An interest-free loan of $800.00 may be paid annually and can be renewed for up to five years, for a total loan limit of $4,000.00, to women enrolled in college on a full-time basis. There shall be no interest charged unless the loan is in default.
The usual time for processing a loan is approximately one month. All loans must be co-signed by a responsible party, usually a parent or guardian.
Contact the Department Education Chairman for additional information.
1. Applicant must be a resident of the State of Wisconsin and a female member of the American Legion Auxiliary.
a. Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary must continue until the loan is paid in full.
b. If membership is discontinued, no additional loans will be granted.
2. Applicant must be a graduate of an accredited high school with a scholastic average that would place her in the upper half of her class.
3. Application must include:
a. Certified copy of the applicant’s school transcript.
b. Three letters of personal reference as defined on the application.
4. Successive loans may be granted upon approval by the Department Education Chairman, based on evidence of satisfactory grades. When additional loans are granted, the original loan will be cancelled and consolidated with the new loan.
5. Student must notify the chairman upon graduation or withdrawal from full-time academic status.
6. Repayment of loans shall be made in payments of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) per month, starting within six months after the grantee graduates or ceases to be a full-time academic student.
a. Payments are to be made by check or money order and made payable to ALA WI-MLW and mailed to ALA Department Headquarters, PO Box 140, Portage WI 53901.
b. Department will send an acknowledgement along with the current balance, upon receipt of each payment.
7. The student and loan co-signer are legally responsible to pay the balance of the loan when due, plus any additional costs or legal fees if the loan is in default and referred for collection.