June 15-20, 2025
For Program Information Contact:
Department Chairman Dany Thompson
Vice Chairman Bethany Fredericks
Executive Director Joanie Dickerson
Assistant Executive Director Jennifer Leahy
Dept HQ - Carrie Thrasher
American Legion Auxiliary
Department of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 140, Portage, WI 53901-0140
Phone: 608-745-0345
ALABGS Website:
What is American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State (ALABGS)?
ALABGS is a program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, an organization that was established for God and Country. Girls State is not a recreational program. ALABGS is a government and leadership conference where the entire delegation will create a mythical fifty-first state that functions according to the laws of the State of Wisconsin. Each day will focus on the various aspects of city, county and state government and the American Legion Auxiliary's mission of "God & Country" which includes occasional non-denominational prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance.
ALABGS is an educational opportunity for girls selected by their schools and the local sponsor(s). Delegates should come prepared to apply themselves diligently to the program as it is scheduled. The citizens are divided into political parties, the Federalists and Nationalists. They develop their own party platforms and formulate their own issues. The girls "learn by doing" as they function on city, county and state levels by electing officials in the manner prescribed by regular election procedures and conducting business on those levels. Every citizen is encouraged to participate in some level of the governmental process.
American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State will be held on June 15-20, 2025. Delegates will be housed in dorm rooms and all meetings will be held in various campus buildings.
ALABGS is a program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin. Any branch of the Wisconsin American Legion Family (Units/Posts/Squadrons/Riders), civic organizations, service clubs, businesses, or school groups may sponsor delegates to the ALABGS session. Delegates should be encouraged to give a report to the sponsoring organization after completing the session.
Information on ALABGS, including a reservation form, is mailed in the Fall any American Legion Family group considering sponsorship of delegates to ALABGS should complete and return the form to Auxiliary department headquarters by the deadline with a check for the delegate fee(s) payable to ALABGS.
Sponsorship fee for 2025 session is $500.00 per Delegate. Make checks payable to ALABGS (American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State) and send to the American Legion Auxiliary Department Headquarters (PO Box 140, Portage, WI 53901).
Refund Policy
A full refund of the delegate/alternate fee will be issued to sponsors who notify department headquarters of the cancellation and request the refund prior to April 15th. Cancellations and refund requests postmarked or emailed after April 15th will be assessed a $50 processing fee for each delegate reservation cancellation, resulting in a partial refund issued to the sponsor. NO REFUNDS will be issued after May 1st. There is an appeal process in special cases regarding refunds. The Executive Director will handle appeals on a case-by-case basis. Sponsors are encouraged to inform their school(s) of this so delegate(s) are aware of the seriousness of their commitment.
Candidate Eligibility
Students sent to American Legion Auxiliary Badger Girls State are to be selected by the high school faculty, working with the sponsor(s). Each girl must meet the following eligibility requirements before being considered a candidate:
Be enrolled in the junior year of a Wisconsin public, parochial, or private high school or home school whether the candidate resides in Wisconsin or a neighboring state.
Be interested in government and citizenship.
Be academically eligible and recommended by their school to participate.
Have outstanding qualities of leadership, good moral character, cooperativeness, dependability and participation in extra-curricular activities
Fitness (there is approximately 6 miles of walking a day)
It is strongly recommended that delegates, alternates, parents, school faculty, and sponsors watch the online ALABGS orientation. This provides an opportunity to be better prepared and details expectations for the ALABGS session. The orientation will be posted on the ALABGS website ( and a short online quiz will verify the participant's knowledge after the orientation.