Joyce Endres, Dept. Chairman

The purpose of the Children and Youth program is to protect, care for and support children and youth, particularly those of veterans and military families. The program includes developing, implementing and monitoring programs and activities that contribute to the physical, mental and emotional health and wellness of children and youth of military families. Each unit is encouraged to work with their Legion Family to develop activities beyond the national Auxiliary-supported programs/activities, and to support implementation of Children and Youth programs of The American Legion. Although it receives special emphasis during the month of April, the Children and Youth program is a year-round activity.
Units are encouraged to submit nominations for the Youth Hero Award and Good Deed Award. These awards are presented throughout the year to recognize the heroism and helpfulness of youths under the age of 18. To be eligible for a Youth Hero Award, the individual must have demonstrated a physical act of valor and served as an inspirational role model for the organization and the community.
To be eligible for a Good Deed Award, the youth must have donated time and/or money for a worthy cause and served as a great example of community service. Unit nominations should be submitted using the online form on the national website and notifying the Department Chairman of the submission.
Units are encouraged to financially support the Veterans & Family Assistance Fund as donations can be used to assist dependent children of Wisconsin veterans. Contributions may be taken from the Poppy Fund and/or from the General Fund.

2024-2025 District Chairmen:
District 1 - Vacant
District 2 - Sandy Mack
District 3 - Joyce Endres
District 4 - Vacant
District 5 - Vacant
District 6 - Diane Steinert
​District 7 - Vacant
District 8 - Vacant
District 9 - Vacant
District 10 - Margaret Larson
District 11 - Kay Coates
District 12 - TBD
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ALA America the Beautiful Coloring book
​book is available for purchase from American Legion Flag & Emblem (item # 355.302) for .30¢ each or buy 50 for .25¢ each.
book is available for purchase from American Legion Flag & Emblem (item #355.300) for $.30¢ each or buy 50 for .25¢ each.​
2024-2025 National Children & Youth Program Awards Deadlines and Submission Requirements
Thank you for taking the time to share a favorite story about the positive impact you or someone you know has had on our mission! Your story may inspire another member into service. It also helps us tell the world who we are, what we do, and why we matter.
Here are the national awards for this committee:
Unit Award: Most Outstanding Unit Children & Youth Program in Central Division
All unit entries must be submitted to the department chairman by April 1st using the entry form in the Children & Youth Program Engagement Plan.
Authorization to Release Personal Information:
Award submissions become property of the American Legion Auxiliary. Through submission of reports and award entries, the submitter grants non-exclusive reproduction and publication rights to the materials submitted and agrees to have their names and submission published for ALA use or commercial use without additional compensation or permission.
Please fill out the information as completely and accurately as possible. Award certificates will be completed using the information provided on the entry form, so please be sure to complete it in its entirety. Please refer to the webpage for the specific criteria such as photographs, narrative length, submission deadline, and point of contact. All awards will be mailed to the department office after ALA National Convention.​