Diane Steinert, Department Chairman

The purpose of ALA 'In The Know' presentations is to engage and educate The American Legion Family. Every fall (typically September and October), sessions are presented throughout the state, hosted by a local unit, county and /or district. All sessions present the same basic information with the flexibility to emphasize areas that are of interest to members in attendance. Breakout sessions and networking are a key component of the program. Feedback about upcoming topics and members’ requests are welcomed to improve this learning experience. Units, counties and/or districts interested in hosting an ALA In The Know presentation are asked to contact the ALA in the Know Chairman. It is the goal of the committee to present the program in as many areas throughout the state as feasible. Wi-Fi service is needed to maximize the effectiveness of the presentations.

Children & Youth
National Security
The purpose of the Americanism program is to inspire, recognize, and perpetuate responsible citizenship through education and acts of patriotism, as well as raise awareness and increase appreciation of the price paid for our fundamental freedoms. The program includes increasing flag etiquette awareness in communities, awareness and participation in youth activities that promote proper respect for our flag and loyalty to our country and promoting Auxiliary participation in The American Legion Americanism programs.
Children & youth
The purpose of the Children and Youth program is to protect, care for and support children and youth, particularly those of veteran and military families. The program includes developing, implementing and monitoring programs and activities that contribute to the physical, mental and emotional health and wellness of children and youth of military families.
National security
The purpose of National Security is to maintain and promote a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military service members and their families. This program includes development, implementation and monitoring programs and activities that contribute to the practical, emotional and social well-being of military service members and their families. This program also includes all activities promoting law and order in our own communities, as well as interest in the security of our country.
Veterans affairs & rehabilitation
The purpose of this program is to initiate, sponsor and participate in programs and services that assist and enhance the lives of veterans and their families, ensuring restoration and/or transition to normally functioning lives – physically, mentally, socially and vocationally. This program includes bringing awareness to the plight and ever-increasing number of homeless veterans, supporting rehabilitation of veterans through art therapy by raising money to fulfill our obligation as a corporate sponsor of the National Veterans Creative Arts Festival (NVCAF), increasing volunteer services at VA Medical Centers, State Veterans Homes, in community settings and from their homes.
American Legion Auxiliary
Badger Girls State
ALABGS is a week-long government and leadership conference for students in their junior year of high school. Attendees of the program will learn by doing as they become citizens of the fifty-first state, the state of Badger. Citizens will have the opportunity to run for offices on the city, county and state levels of government and will work together to make Badger the best state in the Nation. Delegates of the program are sponsored by their local American Legion Auxiliary unit, making the cost for the delegate free. ​Individuals interested in becoming a delegate should speak to their high school guidance counselor.